First off, we start with a trip to River Legacy Park... it was a completely spontaneous decision, seeing as I had to be out of the house for 5 hours that day due to an open house going on at my dad's (where I had been forced to move into and stay until the semester ended, originally because of an issue with my apartment complex). I found this quiet little wetlands field to explore. Little did I know that I would later get caught in a huge thunderstorm and get soaking wet as I tried to make my way back to my car, whilst trying not to slip in the mud. I had just cleaned the inside of my car so I was attempting to keep it that way!

So here's the "entrance" to the wetlands field. It was so quiet and peaceful and full of interesting photo opps.

And here's a closeup of one of the beautiful pink flowers that I found all throughout the field.. there were clusters of them everywhere!

One of the clusters I was talking about. The "sparkles" are actually tiny drops of water..

A closeup of one of the trees.. I liked how they looked against the sky.

Looking back at what used to be the entrance to the fields, which is no longer able to be seen.

So I really liked those clusters...

Proof that I really was there! =P You can see the little speckles of raindrops on my shirt if you look close enough.

And yet more proof, this time with the pink flowers behind me..

This is the entrance to the park.. taken as I was leaving.
A week later, I came back to this same wetlands, only this time I brought one of my bestest friends, Jacques, who had come into town to visit. Here's some photos from our experience there.

Making our way to the field.

Stopping to take a picture towards the middle of the field.

Pretty butterfly that took forever to capture a photo of!

A dragonfly that was resting on the path... The thumbnail doesn't do this one justice!

This beautiful butterfly was just sitting there turning around and around for us.. looked like he was putting on a show!

I call this the "Hall of Trees." =P

I thought the twisting of the wiring would make an interesting photo.

Kinda rare white flowers just like the pink ones.. but I didn't see much of these... at least not as many as the pink ones.

A bee I caught inside one of the pink flowers.. I didn't expect the photo to turn out so good, considering how much my hands were shaking...

I can't take credit for this beautiful photo... this was all Jacques and his awesome little camera, that was the same size as mine and had better zoom, I might add...

Just another photo of Jacques and me.

And another one!
We had an awesome visit while he was here and I've never had so much fun!
Alright.. now that leaves the pictures that I've taken recently of some flowers in my mom's backyard. Starting with the traditional golden day-lilies that I always take when I am here:

I just really like this one.

Side view... which I really like as well.

I really have no idea what this one was. I found it all by itself on a huge bush towards the back corner of the yard. But I thought it was interesting all the same.

And I was told this one was a weed... but I think it's still pretty. *shrugs*

Beautiful single rose that was almost falling apart.

I still have no idea what kind of flower this is. I thought they were about to bloom or something, but my mom insists that they are supposed to droop like that. I tried to look it up and found bluebells, which are kinda similar, yet they are incredibly more frilly and curly at the bottom. Plus the color was off. So I still am not sure..

And this is a closeup of the previous flower. I was trying to get underneath it to see what the petals possibly looked like if it blooms.

And finally.. I caught a spider! This was using my camera's zoom feature, so don't worry, I wasn't really that close to it.
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