Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Flash + Bang = Beauty

Around two weeks ago, Jacques and I attended an Oakland A's game, along with his brother who had received discounted tickets through his job for the three of us.  I hadn't realized that the last baseball game I went to was the Yankees vs. Rangers at the Rangers Ballpark in Arlington, Texas.  That was around 5 years ago, or maybe more, but the thing that stood out for me with that game was that there was a tornado on the ground and everyone spent 2 hours down underneath the field in the basement.  We also were compensated with free tickets to two later games because of the cancellation of that game.

Anyway, the point is that it was my first time at a California baseball game as well.  We just happened to be there on "Star Wars" night, celebrating its 35th anniversary.  After the A's crushed the Twins, the ballpark put on an awesome fireworks show, set to the music from Star Wars.  It was beautiful!  I spontaneously decided to capture the whole show on my phone.  I didn't remember that I could capture still photos at the same time until the show was already about a third of the way through.  But here are some of my favorites shots that I caught that night:

For those interested in the technical details, these photos were taken with a Samsung Galaxy S4 while shooting video at the same time and they are completely unaltered, besides for cropping and resizing, adding my copyright and then a border around each.

Oh and here's the video for anyone who wants to see these shots in action:
(Be prepared for 13 minutes worth of pure fireworks!)

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