So, around one month ago, we went out to eat for dinner at
Big Wave Dave's Mongolian Grill, meeting up with Jacques on his way home from work. Little did I know that we would be coming home with much more than just a full stomach. I remember Jacques was still a bit sick (and I was still dealing with the stuffy-ear-problem) and recovering from a bad cough, and since we were already headed to Food Maxx to check out the movie selection from Redbox (although I cannot remember now, for the life of me, what movies we rented), we decided to buy some cough drops there too.
Well... just outside the door, there was a group of people with a basket of kittens. They were giving them away free because the mother was allergic. Erin instantly fell in love with the first kitten she held, this 6-week-old, multi-colored, longhaired tabby. And yes, I have to admit, she was incredibly cute... and so tiny! I ended up having the final say, and I'll be honest, there are some days that I wish to God I had said no. But when I saw the way Erin's face lit up, I just couldn't. I guess I'm a bit of a softie that way.
You have to understand, I am so
NOT a cat person at all. And I never have been. My family grew up hating cats, so naturally, we only had dogs as pets. I keep hearing people say that this kitten will turn me into a cat person eventually, but I can guarantee you, that will
not happen.
However, she
does make a great model for my photography (and I actually do enjoy photographing cats):
This is the look I often get from her... I'm always having to discipline her for getting into things I've already told her not to mess with, several times! |
She likes to pose sometimes when she knows a camera's pointed at her. This photo shows off her multi-colored coat, especially around her face. |
Waving to the camera? Or I caught her at just the right moment during a stretch. |
Reaching for my hand, but she was getting tired so she just held the pose. |