Thursday, April 26, 2012

Indecisiveness & Another Redesign

So after a few weeks with the dark side, I felt it was time to return to the light once again. This time, even brighter than before. (though I hope it's not too bright) The dark just wasn't working for me and I was hating the way the whole site looked, even with some minor modifications I was making every now and then. I've always known that I'm incredibly indecisive and can't seem to stick with just one thing for too long at a time... but having a website (err, -cough-THREEofthem-cough-) doesn't necessarily help this problem. I find myself constantly wanting to change things. Though a complete redesign isn't usually one of the things I like changing. In that respect, I'm pleasantly decisive. It's just the little things that I can't seem to hold on to.

With this redesign, I've also decided to implement the "jump break" feature, because as I was looking through my previous posts with LOTS of photos, they are just too lengthy to scroll through on the main page. I didn't want to use this feature at first because it hides the rest of the photos, but after thinking about it, I think it'll make the blog look a bit more organized.

So anyway.  There's not a whole lot else going on right now.  We're still in the process of figuring out the car issue so that I can go back to work and finally finish college, this time with a degree.  I wish there was some way that we could speed up the process, but unfortunately, there's not... unless we win the lottery... and with my luck, we don't even have a fighting chance.  It'd be nice though. :]

I'll end this post with a very fitting macro of an orange lily from the bouquet of flowers Jacques brought home for me one night this week:

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