Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Gone to the DARK Side

Okay, first off, sorry for that very cheesy Star Wars reference. But it's true, I randomly decided to switch to the darkest design this blog has ever seen. Not to mention the ONLY one it's ever seen, since I haven't updated the design in over 5 years. That's also a reason I wanted to update, to add some more recent photos in the header up there. The old header had definitely run its course. And I actually love dark designs, so I figured it was time, since I've stayed in the light for this long. (Any and all feedback on the design is completely welcome, btw!)

Anyway, I also wanted to share something I put together yesterday, after being instantly inspired by an awesome quote I saw randomly on the web...

This actually spoke to me because I am ALWAYS finding that I compare myself to other photographers, who are far better than I am. And if I let it get to me too much, it really brings me down a bit. But I try not to dwell on that... in most cases, those photographers have much better equipment than I do also... instead of just having a point-and-shoot camera, and an old Sony from 2003 where the main feature is the Carl Zeiss lens. (Though I'm not saying it doesn't do an amazing job most of the time)

I'm going to remember this quote whenever I catch myself comparing to any photographer other than the one that I used to be. :)

Side note: Also, if you've noticed, the URL for this photoblog has changed, to reflect my portfolio website's URL (www.aprilbridges.com) so I apologize in advance for any confusion this may cause regarding the previous photos posted. I will be updating my copyright image shortly to reflect this change!

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