I'm taking these last couple days of 2011 to reflect on the year. And I've come to the conclusion that it has been a year of many firsts for me. Starting with a very sad first at the beginning of the year--saying goodbye to my sweet pup of 16 years. Along with my first trip to Pittsburgh to visit my dad. First BFD concert with Jacques. First time whitewater rafting and falling absolutely in love with it. First "dot com" website for my art portfolio. First original logo designed completely from scratch for my dad's company. First house hunting adventures--good and bad. First HOUSE.
As for the year overall, I have mixed feelings. There were definitely some ups and downs, and by that I mean ultimate highs and ultimate lows... and there were times when it seemed that the year just dragged on and other times where I blinked and the year was gone. The end is incredibly bittersweet for me though, since I am dealing with the joys of the new house, but the loss of my job and having to start over at the same time.
As for New Year's resolutions... I usually don't bother making them but I will this year:
- First is to keep up with this blog more often... take more meaningful photos, of anything and everything that I can. And actually get them posted up here instead of being a procrastinator.
- Another is to get back on track with finishing up college and finally getting my graphic design degree that has been delayed for far too long.
- Find a job doing something I absolutely love. [Though I realize that this may take longer than 2012 alone]
- Do these more often. Every single one of them.
That's a good start, I think.
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[Old-ish photo, btw!] |
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[The Redheads--Mari & Guinness] |
I'll end this post with the tribute video collage I made of my sweet Brandy whom I still miss more and more each day. I can't believe it's already been a year. Thinking about it just makes me want to hug these
← three big balls of fur →
that I currently live with even tighter.
← three big balls of fur →
that I currently live with even tighter.
( Song credit: "Wonderful Life" by Alter Bridge )
Oh and Happy New Year to anyone who took the time to read this!
Oh and Happy New Year to anyone who took the time to read this!