It's so amazing to see how incredibly a newborn baby can change within just a day. I hung out with Aidan almost every day for the first week and a half of his life and he was always changing and growing into his look. This was the very first time I'd
ever been around a newborn so often... and I can definitely see how it's an incredibly challenging, yet rewarding experience. I can only imagine what his new parents are going through, but they are learning each day and helping each other, as I knew they would, instead of being driven apart. That little boy is going to be loved beyond words, by so many people, and I'm just happy that I'm lucky enough to be one of them. I'm a little sad at the same time though, because I know I'm going to miss out on so much of his life and those special growing up moments. But at least I was able to be there for him on his first days and although I know he's not going to remember it when he's older, I hope it will be enough for him to remember his only aunt.
Anyway... here are some of my favorite photos from the rest of my trip with Mr. Aidan Wesley!
This is one of my absolute favorites from the whole trip! It was my last day to see him and he kept making that face when I did the same (as you can slightly see in the photo). It was way too cute!! |
Three generations captured in one single picture. |