At an intersection in Sacramento, not far from the office. I couldn't resist the palm trees!

The State Capitol building.

View from the side.

Side view again, straight on.

Looking away from the capitol building.

I caught the sun hiding behind some palm trees.

Just a random view of the downtown area on my way back to my car.
The next day, which was a Saturday, Jacques finally took me to visit San Francisco, which I had been begging him to do pretty much since I arrived in California. I was so very excited to see all the tourist-y things, even though we didn't get through all of them that day. But I did get to see the rest when my dad came to visit this past January... but that is another post!

First glimpse of a cable car!!

The incredibly long line that we had to wait in for about an hour to ride the cable car...

Snapping the crowd around us while waiting for the cable car.

San Fran is such a busy city, at all times.

Taken while hanging on the cable car to a pole.

Getting closer to Fisherman's Wharf (our destination).

Seagull relaxing by the wharf's shore.

The shore!!

This guy was awesome... He made beautiful drawings using spray paint and pieces of paper to manipulate the paint. All in about 10 minutes as well.. maybe less.

The man-made island by Pier 39.

Lots of sea lions relaxing at Pier 39.

Some day we're going to ride this high-speed boat around the San Francisco Bay.

Norfolk pine tree that I thought was interesting.

Jacques and I with a tiny Alcatraz in the background.
It was an awesome trip and I had so much fun being a tourist!