++ 38 hours, countless CDs, a car breakdown, $400 fix, 1588 miles, and five states.
I started the journey at 8:30am on Thursday, July 30th and arrived at around 10pm on Friday, July 31st. It was indeed quite a trip. The unexpected breakdown of my car in Gallup, NM made it... interesting. But the bright side is that I was able to catch an awesome sunset photo while watching the tower load my car on the tow truck to be taken to Pep Boys. Alright, enough talk, on to the photos!

Wind turbines in Weatherford, Oklahoma.

This interestingly-painted building was found somewhere in Texas.. I like how the tree towers over it as well.

Before seeing this huge cross, I'd seen a sign saying something about a "spiritual experience" and "the largest cross"...

New Mexico's welcome sign... although there was nothing enchanting for me in the state.

Just a random pretty view in NM.

And again.. I liked the clouds in this one.

Driving into the storm...

My camera focused on the raindrops...

For some reason, I like how highways cross over each other... and I like photographing it. This was coming into Albuquerque.

One of my favorite snapshots.. I happened to catch it while driving right underneath the overpass.

I took this one for the design on the bridge.

Driving between two huge boulders...

A little community in the middle of nowhere...

Black rocks?!

The sun peeking out after the storm that I'd driven through.

This is the awesome sunset picture I was talking about. Taken just outside Gallup, NM.

Welcome to Arizona!! (This was the start of Friday's drive)

I had to entertain myself somehow! It got pretty boring on that drive...

Lots of motorcyclists that I was about to pass...

Pretty view.

And again!

This was near Flagstaff, where I should have gotten to the day before.

Also near Flagstaff...

Closer to California...

And here I am: slightly sunburned, incredibly tired, but still excited to see Cali!! I couldn't keep that smile off my face...

Though I have to admit, the unoriginality of the sign was disappointing...

First glimpse of palm trees!!! (I love them!) I think this was in Barstow.

This is the majority of what I saw when first driving through Cali... so much desert, kinda redundant...I thought it would never end!

Tons of wind turbines! It was prettier in person.

Just a view while driving on the twisty roads through the hills/mountains.

Almost a silhouette...

Palm trees everywhere!!
I wasn't really able to take that many pictures when I got closer to city life in Cali because of all of the twisty turns of the highway... it was actually kinda scary to be driving and look out the window to see a huge cliff. I was so ready to get out of my car when I arrived... I love driving but that just took alot out of me!